Showing posts with label free medical camp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free medical camp. Show all posts

Tuesday 4 December 2018

South Kolkata Shibasram Seva Trust - Alzheimer care home in kolkata

Alzheimer’s disease, named after the doctor who first described it (Alois Alzheimer), is a physical disease that affects the brain. For most people with Alzheimer’s, the earliest symptoms are memory lapses. In particular, they may have difficulty recalling recent events and learning new information. These symptoms occur because the early damage in Alzheimer’s is usually to a part of the brain called the hippo campus, which has a central role in day-to-day memory.  Memory for life events that happened a long time ago is often 

unaffected in the early stages of the disease.Memory loss due to Alzheimer’s disease increasingly interferes with daily life as the condition progresses. The person may lose items (eg keys, glasses) around the house, struggle to find the right word in a conversation or forget someone’s name, forget about recent conversations or events, get lost in a familiar place or on a familiar journey,forget appointments or anniversaries. Although memory difficulties are usually the earliest symptoms of Alzheimer’s, someone with the disease will also have – or go on to develop – problems with other aspects of thinking, reasoning, perception or communication. They might have difficulties with language – struggling to follow a conversation or repeating themselves; visuospatial skills – problems judging distance or seeing objects in three dimensions; navigating stairs or parking the car become much harder;concentrating, planning or organising – difficulties making decisions, solving problems or carrying out a sequence of tasks (eg cooking a meal); orientation – becoming confused or losing track of the day or date. A person in the earlier stages of Alzheimer’s will often have changes in their mood. They may become anxious, irritable or depressed. Many people become withdrawn and lose interest in activities and hobbies.  
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Saturday 9 December 2017

Free Medical Mobile Van services

"Shibasram" Old age home in Kolkata 

The easiest and the most fruitful expression of Dharma today consists in seva, service as worship of the Divine around you.
At South Kolkata shibasram seva trust, we realize that the senior citizens are the most treasured group of our society and understand our obligation to support them. The scheme reflects “South Kolkata shibasram seva trust” social commitment towards the welfare of the elderly. The criteria for admission has always been irrespective of income, caste, creed, nature of ailment or state of health. In such a scenario a mobile health care services delivery system is the most practical mechanism And in subscription to this view, “South Kolkata shibasram seva trust” has initiated the services for senior citizens on mobility program. This is a unique Trust that seeks to address problems of mobility, accessibility and availability of primary health care with a special focus on senior citizens trough efficient physicians.

THE PROJECT of mobile dispensary is the most important component of human life, especially for senior citizens of our society as they grew old they enfeebled with their various physical activitiesas the result they gradually incurred with critical ailments. This tragedy of old age magnifies in proportion, if elderly person is financially poor; He not only faces neglect of family, but does not receive proper nutrition, medical facilities & various things necessary in twilight years of life. Considering the size of population, who cannot afford medical treatment, this number is a drop in ocean.

Website : Click here

Regd Office : 1250,survey park, Kolkata-700075 (Near Santoshpure Jora Bridge)
Ph: 99038 14392 - E-mail: