Saturday, 9 December 2017

Free Medical Mobile Van services

"Shibasram" Old age home in Kolkata 

The easiest and the most fruitful expression of Dharma today consists in seva, service as worship of the Divine around you.
At South Kolkata shibasram seva trust, we realize that the senior citizens are the most treasured group of our society and understand our obligation to support them. The scheme reflects “South Kolkata shibasram seva trust” social commitment towards the welfare of the elderly. The criteria for admission has always been irrespective of income, caste, creed, nature of ailment or state of health. In such a scenario a mobile health care services delivery system is the most practical mechanism And in subscription to this view, “South Kolkata shibasram seva trust” has initiated the services for senior citizens on mobility program. This is a unique Trust that seeks to address problems of mobility, accessibility and availability of primary health care with a special focus on senior citizens trough efficient physicians.

THE PROJECT of mobile dispensary is the most important component of human life, especially for senior citizens of our society as they grew old they enfeebled with their various physical activitiesas the result they gradually incurred with critical ailments. This tragedy of old age magnifies in proportion, if elderly person is financially poor; He not only faces neglect of family, but does not receive proper nutrition, medical facilities & various things necessary in twilight years of life. Considering the size of population, who cannot afford medical treatment, this number is a drop in ocean.

Website : Click here

Regd Office : 1250,survey park, Kolkata-700075 (Near Santoshpure Jora Bridge)
Ph: 99038 14392 - E-mail:

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Best Old age home in Kolkata

South Kolkata Shibasram Seva Trust

"Serving Humanity Serving To God"

Old age is a very sensitive phase of life and is also called the second childhood. People those are going through that phase should be given proper care by their children if they have or they should find a shelter for themselves where they can stay like home in dignity.
Old age homes are a place where old peoples either after getting disrespected by their children and family or having no one to take care comes to stay. Struggling for a shelter at old age is very tough and heart breaking.

If you want to know more about old age home in kolkata
Please visit us at : Click here

Location : 1250,survey park, Kolkata-700075 (Near Santoshpure Jora Bridge)
Phone : 99038 14392

Sunday, 3 December 2017

Best home (Old age home) for elderly people in kolkata

Shibasram - Best Old Age Home of West Bengal

We are registered with a corporate veil and try to create a non profit making organizations named ‘South Kolkata shibasram Seva trust’ by touching the hands of humanity, society and charity beyond the limitations of religions but as a genus of humanity.
Shibasram a premier Old age Home is one of the finest in kolkata. It Has wonderful amenities to provide older people best life style facilities at affordable Price, Shibasram has three years of service in this field. We provide homely facilities for our inmates. We provide physical and spiritual assistance. We also are giving opportunities to continue all relationships of inmates. We carryout cultural events for our inmates. Once in a year we take them on a tour.....  Please visit us

Our Location

Shibasram  Old age home 
1250,survey park, Kolkata-700075 (Near Santoshpure Jora Bridge)
Phone no : +91 99038 14392

Saturday, 16 September 2017

Why the old age in Kolkata are getting popular now a days

It is very important these days that you save aside a necessary amount for your old age. Children these days are not much interested in keeping their parents with them, when their parents start to age. As such, there are also a number of old age homes established in cities and countries for the comfortable life of the old age people. Old age home in Kolkata is also gaining popularity across the city and provides the best homely comfort for the people old aged people to live the rest of their life, happily.

Some of the best benefits that the finest old age home in Kolkata offers are:
·       Apart from offering the spiritual support and assistance, they also offer you physical well-being and support to lead the life sustainably.

·       The timely breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the most comfortable price for the services.
·       Provides for the regular and timely check-up of the people in the old age home, by the specialised and renowned doctors.
 Elder care in kolkata

·       Offers the best nursing and sound secure facilities for the bed-ridden citizens.
·        In case any emergency happens, they are always ready with the support of ambulance to take the old  ones into the hospital.

·       The regular session of morning yoga, asanas, a library consisting of the best set of books for all the sorts of reading and entertainment.

·      They also offer the people in the old age home, the facility to play indoor games as well as entertain themselves with the outdoor games and activities.
·      Provides special and better facilities for people who are either a couple, or in relationship of brother and sister.

Whatever be the circumstances, when children decide to leave their parents in the old age homes, they must take in concern, the well-to-do homes which take care of their parents in their absence. If you are looking for one of the finest old age home in Kolkata, you can consider Shibasram. This is one of the renowned homes which offer the best facilities and amenities to the senior citizens, in the most affordable and reasonable price constants.  Read More ....