Free Medical Mobile Van services
"Shibasram" Old age home in Kolkata
The easiest and the most fruitful expression of Dharma today consists in seva, service as worship of the Divine around you.
At “South Kolkata shibasram seva trust”, we realize that the senior citizens are the most treasured group of our society and understand our obligation to support them. The scheme reflects “South Kolkata shibasram seva trust” social commitment towards the welfare of the elderly. The criteria for admission has always been irrespective of income, caste, creed, nature of ailment or state of health. In such a scenario a mobile health care services delivery system is the most practical mechanism And in subscription to this view, “South Kolkata shibasram seva trust” has initiated the services for senior citizens on mobility program. This is a unique Trust that seeks to address problems of mobility, accessibility and availability of primary health care with a special focus on senior citizens trough efficient physicians.
At “South Kolkata shibasram seva trust”, we realize that the senior citizens are the most treasured group of our society and understand our obligation to support them. The scheme reflects “South Kolkata shibasram seva trust” social commitment towards the welfare of the elderly. The criteria for admission has always been irrespective of income, caste, creed, nature of ailment or state of health. In such a scenario a mobile health care services delivery system is the most practical mechanism And in subscription to this view, “South Kolkata shibasram seva trust” has initiated the services for senior citizens on mobility program. This is a unique Trust that seeks to address problems of mobility, accessibility and availability of primary health care with a special focus on senior citizens trough efficient physicians.
THE PROJECT of mobile dispensary is the most important component of
human life, especially for senior citizens of our society
as they grew old they enfeebled with their various physical
activitiesas the result they gradually incurred with critical
ailments. This tragedy of old age magnifies in proportion, if
elderly person is financially poor; He not only faces neglect of
family, but does not receive proper nutrition, medical
facilities & various things necessary in twilight years of life.
Considering the size of population, who cannot afford
medical treatment, this number is a drop in ocean.
Website : Click here
Regd Office : 1250,survey park, Kolkata-700075 (Near Santoshpure Jora Bridge)
Ph: 99038 14392 - E-mail: